The EIS will be part of the package of documents that Elementos is required to submit for the granting of an AAU, a key regulatory requirement for a mining permit

Elementos to revise Environmental Impact Study for enhanced Oropesa Tin Project. (Credit: Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay)
Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT) has appointed Environmental Resources Management (ERM), one of the world’s leading companies in sustainability consulting services, to update the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for its flagship Oropesa Tin Project in Spain.
Completed by the project’s previous owner Eurotin Ltd, the EIS is being revised to better align with the company’s redesigned mine development plan which now proposes an open-cut operation, a significantly reduced site footprint, enhanced ore-processing, and greater utilisation of the resource to decrease waste.
The company’s Spanish team, led by Oropesa Project Manager Emilio Hormaeche, will work closely with ERM’s Madrid-based team to progress a program of works that consists of:
- Enhancing previous baseline studies which involves the collection, analysis of historical and bibliographic data and the execution of specific studies that cover information gaps;
- Conducting final specific additional studies to evaluate the environmental and social impacts of the project; and
- Developing an updated EIS to be submitted to the permitting authorities and for public consultation, as per the formal procedures.
The EIS will be part of the package of documents that Elementos is required to submit for the granting of a Unified Environmental Authorization (AAU), a key regulatory requirement for a mining permit. ERM will also prepare a number of environmental annexes as part of the EIS, that may be presented separately in such a way that they can be included as supporting documentation for the AAU.
Source: Company Press Release