The Chontaduro 1 exploration well, located on the 100 percent operated VIM21 Exploration and Production (“E&P”) contract, was spud on April 2, 2024

Canacol Energy announces new gas discovery at Chontaduro 1. (Credit: Simon J from Pixabay)
Canacol Energy Ltd. (“Canacol” or the “Corporation”) (TSX:CNE; OTCQX:CNNEF; BVC:CNEC) is pleased to provide the following information concerning the new Chontaduro 1 gas discovery.
Chontaduro 1 encounters 123 feet of net gas pay
The Chontaduro 1 exploration well, located on the 100 percent operated VIM21 Exploration and Production (“E&P”) contract, was spud on April 2, 2024, and reached a total depth of 9,625 feet measured depth (“ft MD”) on April 8, 2024. The well encountered 123 feet true vertical depth of net gas pay with average porosity of 21 percent within the primary Cienaga de Oro (“CDO”) sandstone reservoir.
The CDO reservoir was perforated over a 279 ft MD Interval and the well tied into the Jobo gas treatment facility.
The well started at a production rate of 5 million standard cubic feet per day (“MMscfpd”) for 2 hours at a choke 29/128” and a THP of 2290 psi. The rate was increased to 8 MMscfpd for another 2 hours with the choke at 30/128. The rate was increased increments of 1 MMscfpd over a period of 5 hours and the choke until it reached 12 MMscfpd. The choke at the final rate was 36/128” and a THP of 2260 psi. The well continues to produce at a rate of 12 MMscfpd over the past 29 hours with a stabilized THP of 2260 psi.
The Corporation is currently skidding the rig to drill the Chontaduro 2 appraisal well, targeting the CDO sandstone reservoir in the southern part of the Chontaduro discovery. Chontaduro 2 will spud on April 18, 2024, and will take approximately 3 weeks to drill and complete.
Source: Company Press Release