Barplats has reviewed and updated its start up plans to be consistent with the Order, based on a significantly reduced work force, and will immediately implement a phased restart

Image: Crystals of pure platinum grown by gas phase transport. (Credit: Periodictableru/
Eastern Platinum Limited (“Eastplats” or the “Company”) is pleased to report that the Director General Mineral Resources of South Africa issued an essential services order (the “Order”) pursuant to which it has authorized Eastplats’ subsidiary, Barplats Mines (Pty) Ltd. (“Barplats”), to operate its tailings retreatment project located at the Crocodile River Mine (the “Retreatment Project”) at a reduced capacity and to transport and export the Chrome concentrate produced by the Retreatment Project.
Barplats has reviewed and updated its start up plans to be consistent with the Order, based on a significantly reduced work force, and will immediately implement a phased restart.
The Company remains committed to the Government of South Africa’s direction to prevent the risk of spread of COVID-19. Eastplats has produced risk assessments and adopted appropriate procedures to maintain a safe workplace for its employees and the communities in which it operates.
The effects of COVID-19 are changing rapidly and the Company cannot reasonably estimate at this time the impact of COVID-19 or the lockdown imposed by the Government of South Africa, currently scheduled to end at midnight April 16, 2020, both of which could have material adverse effects on the Company’s business, liquidity and cashflows.
Source: Company Press Release