The new and upgraded radar-based oil spill detection solution will be installed on the Inspirer jack-up rig that is installed on the Yme oil field, which is located in the Central North Sea approximately 160 kilometres northeast of the Ekofisk field

Vissim gets contract on oil spill monitoring for Repsol. (Credit: 466654 from Pixabay)
Vissim has been awarded a contract by Repsol Norge AS (Repsol) to implement an upgraded oil spill detection system at the operator’s Yme field on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
The new and upgraded radar-based oil spill detection solution will be installed on the Inspirer jack-up rig that is installed on the Yme oil field, which is located in the Central North Sea approximately 160 kilometres northeast of the Ekofisk field.
Repsol has utilised Vissim’s systems for many years. We have first-hand witnessed the company’s dedication to not only comply with rules and regulations, but also push for improved environmental monitoring solutions. This latest contract is proof of the latter, says Håvard Odden, director of Vissim’s North Sea operations.
Vissim’s new oil spill detection system utilises upgraded image processing technology that enables much higher sensitivity, which allows it to detect even smaller oil spills. It also capitalises on machine learning to classify detected phenomena, thus preventing that the system generates false alarms which has traditionally been a concern in radar-based oil spill detection systems.
The regulatory requirement for oil spill monitoring and detection is that operators shall possess detection technologies which combined makes them independent of weather conditions. The two-in-one solution from Vissim allows both vessel tracking and oil spill detection through the same radar.
Other operators, including Aker BP and Vår Energi, have also adopted Vissim’s new oil spill monitoring solution.
Source: Company Press Release