Carin submitted the field development plan to India’s Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), to initially produce more than 2,000boepd from the Jaya gas field, which allows the company to achieve its goal of doubling production capacities

Jaya gas discovery is located in the Bharuch district of Gujarat. (Credit: Mihai on Unsplash)
Cairn Oil & Gas, a subsidiary of Vedanta, has submitted a Field Development Plan (FDP) to start production from the Jaya gas discovery in the Bharuch district of Gujarat, India.
Carin submitted the plan to India’s Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH).
In August 2021, the oil and gas company announced the discovery of gas and condensate in its onshore Open Acreage Licensing Program (OALP) block.
Through the FDP, it intends to initially produce more than 2,000boepd from the field, which allows the company to achieve its goal of doubling production capacities.
Its FDP for Jaya is the first submission in the OALP regime, among 144 blocks awarded under eight OALP rounds by the Indian Government to various companies, said the oil and gas firm.
Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta deputy CEO Steve Moore said: “We are delighted to have progressed to Jaya discovery to its FDP and ready to begin production from Jaya block.
“At Cairn Oil & Gas, driving new exploration is a key pillar as we strive towards our goal of achieving a 50% contribution to India’s domestic oil and gas production.
“This block in Gujarat was one of the initial discoveries for Cairn under India’s Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP), and we believe it will contribute to India’s energy requirements.”
During the appraisal phase, the company tested gas evacuations at the Jaya field through truck-mounted Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) kits, supplying CNG to nearby gas stations.
Jaya is the first exploration well to witness sales through a CNG cascade system, which minimised gas flaring while facilitating the appraisal.
The gas sales through cascading served both purposes, monetising gas and addressing the nation’s energy requirements.
Cairn has leveraged advanced rock physics and seismic inversion technology to predict subsurface sweet spots surrounding the Jaya discovery area.
The oil and gas company has identified a cluster of prospects, which can be developed through tieback to the Jaya facility.
Furthermore, Vedanta’s oil and gas subsidiary has signed a commercial gas sales agreement for the off-take of gas produced from the Jaya field.